August 2, 2011

One is silver and the other gold...

Remember the Brownie song about friendship?
Make new friends
but keep the old
One is silver
and the other gold

OK-it's just as confusing to me as an adult, silver? gold? Huh? Anyway, we here in Funky Fleaville are singing this song to celebrate the fact that we not only have lots of new vendors applying, but many of our friends from the First Flea will be coming back! Hip! Hip! Hooray!!
Fifteen of the brave souls who signed up for our first event are comin' back to do it all over again! (and quite a few wanted to come back, but had conflicts on that date) We are so happy to have them back! It will truly add to the mad mish mash of goodies on display on August 27th. They will be joining at least 25 new people selling their bric a brac, clothing, artwork, housewares, records, audio equipment, etc etc.

It's gonna be amazing!

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